January 15th, 2015
we took four months off. that’s the longest amount of time we have taken off in TWELVE YEARS. but this week we are back! we have shows coming up, and we are working on new songs! and as always we are more than happy to sell you our LPs, CDs and TSHIRTS DIRECT! please visit SHOWS for SHOWS and SHOP for SHOP.
April 28th, 2014
we just got a bunch more t-shirts in stock, including this guy in MEN’S XXL, for the first time! in our shop.
April 16th, 2014
Back in the early 2000’s, I had a little t-shirt company called Daydream Factory. I still have a small amount of tees leftover, and decided to put them up on our site! They are all musically inspiring and say things like “play music”, “listen to music” and “record music”. These are all things I love to do and wanted to encourage others to do them. These tees are mostly for ladies but there are a few guys tees in there too. Have a look. They are for sale now at discounted prices in our shop! Thanks! xo Kathy